The Student Virtual Data Wall is used to view all of your student data, analyze assessment and performance measures, predict at risk students, determine which students are highlyachievingand assign students to groups and plans.
Where to Start
To access the Student Virtual Wall click Virtual Data Wall>Student.
Student Data Wall Overview
When you first navigate to the Student Data Wall you will see all students you have access to.
All filter options are available to the left of the wall. Select a category to filter then click the check box to select an item.
To add an additional filter, click a category once again and select an item to filter. You will see the result in the number of students and the filters that have been selected. If you would like to remove the filter click the red X on the category. To remove all filters click Clear All.
To sort your students click the drop down on the top right.
Student Details
Once you you have filtered your list of students you will see a card for each of your students. To view a brief summary of an individual student's data click the image of their card. The summary contains the student's information and includes the plans and groups the student has been assigned to.
To view a more detailed summary of the student data click View Profile.
Next Steps
To learn more about virtual data walls, view the lessons in the Virtual Data Walls help chapter.
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