In this lesson, you will review the features in the Insights Student Profile. The Student Profile in Insights provides actionable data at a glance for your students.
Where to Start

To view a Student Profile, choose Student Profile from the menu, or by clicking on a student name in the student list drilldown from any chart.
Searching for a Student

The Search window is always available at the top of the Insights screen. Type any part of a student name in the box and the options will appear in a list.

Students can also be searched by First Name, Last Name, Full Name [First Last] or ID number. Choose the method of search, enter the information and click Search. The example below shows a search by first name, John.

A list will be displayed with all students who matched the criteria of your search. In this example, John was typed in and any first name that contains John is returned in the search. Click on the student name to view the Student Profile.

The top of the Student Profile always displays the students name, ID, grade level and cohort. The top right corner includes the status on the metric and the status of the metric categories that make up that metric.
Student Profile Tabs
The Profile breaks up the student data into five tabs, Metrics, Biographical, Attendance, Assessments and Grades.

The Metrics tab displays information regarding the students status through any metric lens. The metric name is displayed at the top of the tab. Users can change the metric lens by using the Change Metric dropdown.
The students current status is displayed in the rectangle at the right. The bar displays all possible metric levels and the students progress along that spectrum (here displayed as met 7 of 8 conditions).
The Insights metric page also displays Achievement Goals. These goals show, in plain language, what the student needs to achieve to make it to the next level of the metric. A goal will be listed for every metric condition not met at the higher level. The example below shows Caleb has a goal to raise his highest Math assessment score to an 80, from a 72, to meet the remaining requirement for On Track to College Readiness, the next level of the metric.

The lower part of the metrics page shows the students status on each condition of the metric, the condition rule, along with one level lower and one level higher in the metric. The column of the students current level will be fully highlighted. The arrows at the upper right can be used to move up and down through additional metric conditions. In the example below, Calebs status is On Track to Graduation and that column is highlighted in green.

In this example, Caleb has met all conditions to be On Track to Graduation. By mousing over the column to the right, On Track to College Readiness, the column will be highlighted and the missing condition, a score of 80 or more on a Math assessment, is shown as not met by a red X.

The Biographical tab displays contact information along with all flag information such as ethnicity and ELL status.

The Attendance tab displays the students daily attendance history, in tabular and graphical formats. Daily attendance history is also shown in the calendar view.

The Assessments tab displays the students performance on all assessments. The exams are split into a High School section and a K-8 section. Either section can be closed by clicking the downward caret on the right. Color coding is pass (green) fail (red) based on the grades translation table imported from your SIS with your data.

The K-8 Exam History displays the Raw Score (RS), Scaled Score (SS), Performance Level (PL) and Decision (DEC for ELL exams) if the data is included in the data import.

The Grades tab displays course grades including current Report Card and historic Transcripts. Either section can be closed by clicking the downward caret on the right.
Report Card grades along with any comments, official report card absences, conduct grades and exams that are imported along with the report card data. Marking periods can be changed at the upper right.

Historic Transcript grades are also displayed. Historic grades can be ordered by year (default) or by subject area. Color coding is pass (green) fail (red) based on the grades translation table imported from your SIS with your data. See Classifying Data Points section if classes do not appear in the correct subject area.

Courses grouped by subject. See Classifying Data Points section if classes do not appear in the correct subject area.
Next Steps
To learn more about Insights, see the lessons in the Insights chapter.
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