The Virtual Data Wall allows users to download, edit and analyze assessment scores on an online spreadsheet. Use the "Score" page to do so.
Where to Start

After logging into ioInsights access the "Assessments" tab on the left, then the "Score" page.
Download Scores

Once on this page select the school year of the assessment and grade level (optional). You can then search your school's assessments using the Search Assessments bar.

Find the assessment you want in the list and click to open it.

Once the assessment has opened on this page you can sort your columns alphabetically or numerically by clicking the headers. You can also edit the data in the columns by clicking on a cell. Any data on this page is auto saved.

If needed, filter which student rosters should appear on the spreadsheet from the "Course/Section" drop down menu.

Download the data by clicking the "Export to Excel" button at the top of the page.
Next Steps
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